We Will Rave Together Again....Soon!

Can you believe it? We're just about two weeks away from the one-year mark since the US went into lockdown and all events/festivals put to a complete stop.
When it first happened, I told myself
"No problem I got this, I'll practice my patience and ride this one out. After all, how long can they really stop parties and festivals from happening? 3, 6, 9 months? I got this!"
As we know now, my early predictions were off and we're most likely not going to see the types of events we're used to attending and throwing (i.e. 100% capacity) until maybe end of this year or early next year? Who really knows as everything is still speculation even if venues and the entire country of the Netherlands announced festivals will return this fall.
The messed up thing about patience is that it can only be used in the present moment, and this is where it trips everybody up and perhaps frustrate those who did apply patience but now hitting a breaking point.
This has most certainly been the craziest 11-months of our generation and it's understandable that so many of us are running out of patience. But what choice do we have? Shout at the time for it to speed up?
Patience is hard because it's bitter, and especially so when we're in the thick of it but just know at the end of this ride will be a fruit sweeter than you can ever imagine. We all made it this far already, we just need to make it a little farther ahead!
As much as I'm getting a little frustrated these days, I know what I need to continue to do. I know I must have faith and I know that it's only a matter of time that we will rave together again!
Jia & The 6AM Team
p.s. we have released our special edition "We Will Rave Together" long sleeve tee to remind you what is waiting for ALL of us when this pandemic is over and events, raves, and festivals are able to return safely at 100% capacity. Until then, please have faith and deploy more patience! We're almost there, I can feel it!