Work Hard, Work Smart, Work Together...

Get everything you want in this conscious life with a single action plan gifted to all human beings regardless of social status, race, gender, and sexual orientation. Work hard, Work smart, and Work together. More importantly, work in silence and let the results of your work do the talking. In Japanese culture, the concept of working in silence over a long period of time is the true transformation (and process) of an apprentice into master. It doesn't matter what craft they are learning, they do it to near perfection. A sushi apprentice is said to have to make rice for 10-years until they have truly begun their journey as a sushi master. A ramen apprentice goes through the same journey but instead focus on making flour for the ramen noodle. Building foundations in their craft is their way of keeping traditions and mastery alive.
We deeply admire the Japanese philosophy of working in silence that we dedicated the Katakana Japanese writing to the word "underground" resembling their spirit of working under the radar, in isolation, and in silence ultimately working in the underground and letting their years of work do the talking when the moment comes.